
You’re Making a Difference

Help students get what they need to succeed.

Which campus would you like to contribute to?

To donate online, click the DONATE button on your school of choice.


If you prefer to contribute by cash or check, click on the red FORM button to download a print version and bring it in to the school’s front office along with the form.


10555 W Buckeye

Tolleson, AZ 85353

(602) 584-6625

6633 W Camelback

Phoenix, AZ 85033

(623) 547-5587

Desert Sky
5757 W McDowell

Phoenix, AZ 85035

(623) 242-2597

3335 W Flower St

Phoenix, AZ 85017

(602) 888-9572

4520 W Glendale

Glendale, AZ 85301

(623) 866-4612

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434 W Lerdo Rd

Tucson, AZ 85706
(520) 889-1504

Peoria Advanced
7782 W Peoria Ave

Peoria, AZ 85745
(623) 888-6697

1557 W Prince Rd

Tucson, AZ 85705
(520) 293-2676

South Mountain
1445 W Baseline

Phoenix, AZ 85041
(602) 675-9696

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 Donate to AMS
Remember to complete Arizona Forms 301 and Arizona Forms 322 when you file your taxes to claim the credit.

If you have any questions about donating to your school, please call the AMS Impact Office at 520-887-5392.